Hello Crafty Friends! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I am ending the year with a fun video sharing my top 10 crafty tools and products of the year. It was hard choosing 10 but I did it. I found lots of new products/tools this year that I really love. I also rediscovered some of my favorites.
Always remember to look through your stash and pull out products you haven’t used in a while to see if you love them now. I did this with ribbon, twine and thread this year. I have collected ribbon forever and have a very large collection. I pulled those products out and started using them and now can’t stop. I have since added to my collection. I love the texture that ribbon/twine/ thread adds to a project.
Watch in 2024 as I do more of this. I will be going through my studio monthly to pull out products from years ago or products I have bought recently but put away and seem to forget to use. I really want to focus on using what I have and loving it.
Make sure to click the video above and watch my picks for my top 10 crafty products and tools. What is a favorite product/s of yours for 2023?
Thank you for stopping by and I will see you over on YouTube. Happy crafting! April

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